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Take Home a Bit of Campus

Interested in taking a bit of the Brickyard home for a do-it-yourself project?

You can’t take the whole thing, of course, but individual bricks and pavers removed from various parts of campus—Harrelson Hall, Reynolds Coliseum, the Brickyard, Holladay Hall, the Belltower grounds—will be part of a public yard sale of building materials and firewood on Nov. 3 from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.

It’s part of the NC State Grounds Services’ sustainability measures to reuse campus materials that would be otherwise discarded.

Pallets of bricks and pavers will be on sale at the Armory at 3115 Western Boulevard, near the corner of Dan Allen Drive. Cost is $50 to $80 for pallets of bricks, with a two-pallet maximum per vehicle. The 16-inch X 16-inch pavers are $0.25 each, with a 40-paver per vehicle limit.

The sale will be cash only with no returns. All loading must be done by the buyer. There will be no guarantees about origin of the materials and no reserving of materials.

Split firewood will also be available for sale during the same hours at Sullivan III Shops, at 620 Motor Pool Dr., near Sullivan Drive and Gorman Street.

The firewood is seasoned, partially seasoned and green. It will be stacked on a pallet in a half face cord (4-feet wide by 4-feet high by 16-18-inches deep) and sold at $25 per pallet. Limit two per vehicle. All purchases are cash-only, as-is and no returns. All wood must be loaded by the buyer.